Core Engineering is a Cairo based consultancy practice specialized in providing value engineering and structural engineering design services .

1- Value engineering service (structural disciplines only):

Whether you are a contractor, a developer or a consultant, ensuring a structurally safe and cost effective construction is one of the key determining factors of your project’s success.

We can help you achieve this through CCVU , the unique 4-stage process that we integrate into the services that we provide  

CCVU process.JPG

A-     Collect information.

In this stage,  we will collect all the data and information related to the project from our client, which shall form the basis for the subsequent tasks.

 B-     Conduct Structural Review and Analysis .

In this process we will carry out a ‘high level’ review of the existing structural design to ensure that the existing structural form and framing philosophy is technically sound and structural elements are safe.

 C-    Value engineering structural recommendation report.

Once we deem the building as safe,  we will conduct a value engineering assessment that will culminate in the preparation of a Value Engineering Report  identifying  the most economical structural solution for the project  for a cost effective construction within the constraints posed by other disciplines in the project with a view to minimizing or eliminating possible multidisciplinary implication on the project to the best practically possible extend. .

 D-    Update Structural Design Documentation

Once the client approves the Value Engineering Report we will proceed to update the structural drawings accordingly.


Through our services, we guarantee at least 10% to 15% cost saving for the structural component of the project failing which you get your fees back for Stages C & D. Note that this guarantee is only for the structural cost component of the project.


2- Structural engineering service:

The Core Engineering Team endeavors to meet the requirements and expectations of our client by providing cost effective structural design solutions tailored to support the client’s architects achieve their design goals within the budget constraints.

  • Our structural design services extend over a variety of building types and span across various project stages starting from design stages of a project all the way to its tender and construction documentation stages.

  • We are also capable of providing technical support services during the construction stages of a project as well as renovation works for existing buildings.  

  • We work closely with all the parties involved in the project to ensure that our works are fully coordinated with the various disciplines in the project such as MEP, Landscape, interior design, façade design, etc.

  • We provide advises and recommendations during all design stages to save time and cost for the client.

  • We employ the latest structural tools that makes it possible to design more complex shapes and models than ever before.

  • We use (Building Information Modelling) if the client requires us to do so, as we believe it is the best tool that brings all the disciplines together into one working model.